A Tale of Two Tables...

A Tale of Two Tables...

The Emporium, Yeovil, is to be featured in the BBC1 TV show ‘Money For Nothing’.

A pair of upcycled tables, made from wheels off an Allen Scythe has been bought by The Emporium in Princes Street, Yeovil.

The makers of the tv program, Money For Nothing, contacted the town-centre shop and invited staff to appear on the BBC1 show. Money For Nothing has become popular with viewers, who are often amazed at the items made from other people’s junk, rescued from the tip. And that’s how this pair of industrial tables came about. The Allen Scythe was a petrol powered mower, made in Cowley, Oxford, by John Allen & Sons from 1935 -1973. The large cast iron wheels, in that distinctive green paint, captured the imagination of the makers, who have used them as table tops in this lovely pair of industrial tables. Dawn Woodward, Director at The Emporium said ‘These tables are great, they’re just the sort of thing that our customers love to see.

I’ve already had people comment that they remember using the Allen Scythe years ago, so clearly the heritage and attractive features of the tables will connect with our customers. We did plan to sell them, but have decided that they look so great up in our cafe, that we’ll keep them! So now they are back in use, re-purposed and centre of attention.’ You can see the tables in the first floor cafe at The Emporium.

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